You have a right to be treated with kindness and respect.
You have a right to participate in an intake evaluation performed by a qualified professional. The intake evaluation will gather important information about you and your pregnancy or child and assess your strengths, resources and needs (financial, medical, legal, counseling etc.) as you consider your parenting options.
You have a right to counseling relating to making the decision about whether to parent or make an adoption plan for your child and throughout the adoption process, including after your child is born.
You have a right to participate in the development of an adoption plan designed to meet your needs and the needs of your child and you have a right to change your plans for your child and choose to parent your child at any time until you sign the Probate Court Surrender Form.
You have a right to information regarding Bright Futures Adoption Center’s criteria for selecting adoptive parents and, if you choose adoption for your child, you have a right to a description of the adoptive parents, including their interests, talents and lifestyle.
You have the right to request that your child be placed in a home of a particular religion, race, sexual preference or ethnic background.
You have the right not to be coerced or forced by any person into making an adoption plan for your child.
You have the right to have your own attorney. Bright Futures Adoption Center’s attorney represents Bright Futures Adoption Center’s interests and your interests may be different.
You have the right to update information in your file at Bright Futures Adoption Center at any time, including medical information about you or your family that may be important to your child, your address, telephone number, hobbies, interests, etc.
You have a right to information regarding different types of adoption.
You have a right to information regarding the process adopted children may use to find their birth parents and the process birth parents may use to find their children.
You have a right to factual information regarding any adoption service provided by Bright Futures Adoption Center.
You have a right to assistance in joining or developing support groups for people involved in adoption.
You have a right to general information regarding current adoption issues, practices and laws.