Who are the Children?
The Adoption and Permanency Program works to create permanence for children and sibling groups of all races, birth to age 18, currently in the custody of the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families (“DCF”).
These foster children for adoption usually have been involuntarily removed from their parents or other caregivers because they have experienced neglect, trauma of various sorts and loss. They have a wide range (from minor to major) of medical, behavioral, cognitive, psychological or emotional challenges, so they need families who will provide the unconditional love, support and encouragement that will enable them to reach their full potential.

The Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange hosts a photolisting of Massachusetts children who are legally free for adoption. Click on the link below to see the photolisting. In addition to the children pictured in the photolisting, there are many other children in Massachusetts for whom adoption is the goal, but who are not yet legally free for adoption.